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December updates

December 21, 2021 • 1 min read

Many small things make a for a large update, from Raymarine autopilot support to a chart symbol dictionary.

Orca co-pilot marine navigation chartplotter

Autopilot controls for Raymarine Seatalk and SeatalkNG autopilots are now available for all users. To access autopilot controls, press the Navigation tab from the map screen.

A full list of supported autopilots can be found in our Product Guide.

Wireless autopilot control from your phone makes life easy on the foredeck.

Wireless autopilot control from your phone makes life easy on the foredeck.

Improved compass accuracy

The built-in compass in the Orca Core is now a lot more accurate.

We've updated the underlying compass algorithms and improved noise filtering. The compass now offers accuracy of within 2 degrees, which is twice as accurate as before.

The Orca Core has a built-in professional-grade GPS and compass.

The Orca Core has a built-in professional-grade GPS and compass.

This update brings the Orca Core's compass performance in line with the very best standalone 9-axis compasses you can get today. We will now work towards making the Orca Core usable as a heading and motion source for 3rd party Autopilots.

Since this is a fundamental algorithm change, you will need to recalibrate your compass after upgrading your Core.

Understanding chart symbols

Long-press near a symbol in the chart, and you'll notice a new Info button in the bottom panel. Press the Info button to read up on the symbols and what they mean for navigation.

A pretty handy feature when you forget the purpose of a navigation mark (yes, we've been there ourselves).

The new dictionary is helpful in case you forget the meaning of a chart symbol.

The new dictionary is helpful in case you forget the meaning of a chart symbol.

The updates above are available with Orca Application and Display version 1.0.37 and Core version 0.13.0.

Seasonal greetings from the Orca Team

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